切问近思半月谈 | 算法理性:自我与他者的新治理





算法统治着当今世界吗?人工智能正在做出生死攸关的决定吗?社交媒体公司在操纵公共议题吗?面对这些令人不安的现实问题,伦敦国王学院国际政治学教授Claudia Aradau和荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学“人文与人工智能”卓越大学教授Tobias Blanke在他们的新书Algorithmic Reason: The New Government of Self and Other中,尝试提供一种新的理论和方法工具,理解算法如何塑造自我和他者的治理。本次讲座中,两位作者将分享他们新书的内容和观点,并邀请伦敦国王学院数字人文系教授Paolo Gerbaudo和复旦大学信息与传播研究中心副主任、新闻学院教授潘霁参与对谈。




Claudia Aradau is Professor of International Politics in the Department of War Studies, King's College London. Her research has developed a critical political analysis of security practices at the intersection of international relations, political theory, and science and technology studies. She co-authored, with Rens van Munster, Politics of Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown (Routledge, 2011) and co-edited, with Jef Huysmans, Andrew Neal, and Nadine Voelkner, of Critical Security Methods: New Frameworks for Analysis (Routledge, 2014). She is Principal Investigator of the ERC Grant '"SECURITY FLOWS", Enacting border security in the digital age: political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions'.

Tobias Blanke is Distinguished University Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Humanities at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute of Logic, Language, and Computation. He is also affiliated with King's College London as Professor of Social and Cultural Informatics. His academic background is in computer science and political philosophy. Blanke's principal research interests lie in artificial intelligence and big data devices for research, particularly in the human sciences. He has also extensively published on ethical questions of AI such as predictive policing and algorithmic othering, as well as critical digital practices, and the critique of digital platforms.



1Paolo Gerbaudo,伦敦国王学院数字人文系教授,数字文化研究中心主任、欧盟玛丽-居里学者。


